
// Filename: readline.c
// Purpose: provide a function that reads a line from cin and recognizes
//          EOF immediately
// History:
// ========
// Date     Time     Name      Description   
// -------- -------- --------  ------------------------------------------------
// 96/02/06 00:44:30 muellerg: created

// Feature test switches ///////////////////////////// Feature test switches //
    /* NONE */

// System headers /////////////////////////////////////////// System headers //

#include <stdlib.h>

// Local headers ///////////////////////////////////////////// Local headers //

#include "../common.h"

// Macros /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Macros //
    /* NONE */

// File scope objects /////////////////////////////////// File scope objects //
    /* NONE */

// External variables, functions, and classes ///////////// External objects //
    /* NONE */

// Signal catching functions ///////////////////// Signal catching functions //
    /* NONE */

// Structures, unions, and class definitions /////////////////// Definitions //
    /* NONE */

// Functions and class implementation /// Functions and class implementation //

 * readline: reads a line from istream in, with recognizing EOF
 *           immediately. 
 * returns:  -1 for error, 0 for ok

readline(istream &in, char *buf, int max_len)
    int ok = -1;

    if(buf && max_len)
        char *t=buf;
        bool no_return = true;

        while(max_len && in && no_return)

            if(*t == '\n')




        if(in) ok=0;
    return ok;

// Main /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main //
    /* NONE */